Background and purpose: This paper introduces a new intelligent and accurate software system about the diagnosis of skin cancer based on the principles of telemedicine. The use of telemedicine causes the system is used by dermatologists and the general public. This system can be installed on new mobile phones and computers. Materials and Methods: The input of this system is the digital image of lesion and clinical symptoms of disease. This system applies pre-processing processes and separation of lesion from Skin surface is going to extract 70 features of image surface. In order to extract the appropriate features applied ABCDTP rule. This rule developed the ABCD rule that used by dermatologists around the diagnosis of melanoma is on Dermoscopy images. Finally, using an intelligent decision support system of medicine, the type of lesion based on cancer or non-cancerous to be determined. Results: It was observed that the dataset with 85 cases, including 60 cases of malignant lesions (melanomas) and 25 benign lesions, The detection accuracy this system is around %98. Conclusion: The system without the hardware, the lowest cost and accuracy of about %98 can be diagnosis of deadly cancer melanoma from other skin lesions.
telemedicine; Melanoma; medical decision support system
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